" A rare and original oolong, with recognized health benefits ".

The dry leaves are rolled up and closely resemble Ti Guan Yin in an oxidized version. Obviously, the comparison with Ti Guan Yin stops there since this very characteristic tea develops notes and its own aromas. We typically find olfactory notes oriented towards fruits stewed. The liquor is brown and of a beautiful appearance. Successive infusions with the gaiwan bring a mild, low-acid flavor and expected notes of stewed fruit, even caramel. We can without fear to plan multiple infusions for a prolonged tasting (and pleasure!). A virtuous tea and tasty: here we touch on a sort of ideal!

Gaba molecule concentration level: 175mg/100g

Nom Chinois: 有機加碼茶

Producteur: Mr Yu Ji Qi

Altitude: 300-350m

Localité: Ming Jian, Nantou County

Cultivar: Si Ji Chun. Traduit en Four Seasons, il doit son nom à sa capacité à produire du thé de très bonne qualité en toutes saisons, toute l'année. C'est aussi un cultivar qui permet la production d'excellentes qualités à basse altitude, avec des notes florales, fleurs blanches, lila.

Niveau de torrefaction: 0

Niveau d'oxydation: 60-70%

Un mot de notre contact à Taiwan: Mr. Yu is the most talented grower and producer I have ever seen. Mr. Yu have been in organic farming since 30 years, one of the earliest grower doing organic in Taiwan. He produces most varieties of tea in Taiwan but Gaba Tea is one of his most popular tea. Mr, Yu is not just knowledgable in producing tea but also he has a very good knowledge about taking care of the garden. That is why he is always able to see the tea leaves and decide what type of tea to produce according to his raw material. Mr. Yu is also a bear foot Man he never wear his shoes ...... I guess that is because he loves the nature

Gestion du jardin: Les thés de Mr Yu sont connus pour leur grande pureté. Cette production a été testée en laboratoire sur un total de plus de 500 pesticides, le resultét du test est immaculé.

  • 100g
  • 500g
Tax included

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