Kabusecha produced in Hioki, Kagoshima Prefecture, southern Japan, in April 2024. Kabusecha are Japanese green teas that have been produced with leaves from tea plants shaded using nets a few days before their harvest, usually around 8 to 10 days, to enhance the Umami (sweet/bitter) flavors. In a way, it is a tea halfway between a vegetal Sencha and a Gyokuro Umami.
The cultivar: Yutakamidori literally means abundant green. It is a type of tea plant highly appreciated by farmers, especially in southern Japan for its good productivity and resistance to various diseases. About 30% of the tea fields in Kagoshima, southern Japan are planted with this variety. It is quite rarely found in plantations further north because Yutakamidori is not very resistant to cold and frost. Umami is often found in teas produced with Yutakamidori because they are generally shaded a few days before harvest, because this cultivar is quite powerful and develops bitterness.
Brewing advice: This is a high-end tea and we strongly advise to respect the basic dosages as well as to use quality water to brew this tea.
Quality water will be very weakly mineralized water. Check the dry residue on the label of the water you want to use, a value between 20 and 100mg/L will be suitable. That said, it is not an infallible rule, some waters at 130mg/L work well (Volvic) while others below 100mg/L have less good results. A fairly famous and cheap water is the source of the Grand Barbier that you will find at Carrefour.
Infuse small quantities of tea in a small container. The ideal would be a teapot between 20 and 30cl maximum. Place 5 to 8g of leaves for 1 minute of infusion with water at 70 degrees.