New GREEN TEA GYOKURO OKUMIDORI ORGANIC CERTIFIED 2024 7020301 €38.00 Gyokuro produced in Kirishima, Kagoshima in southern Japan in April 2024. 2024 is a great year for Gyokuro. We find a lot of umami, texture and vegetal flavors in very balanced teas, long in the mouth and re-infusable several times. We are here in the presence of a mid-range Gyokuro, but the harvest was so good this year that it is very satisfactory even... Add to cart
New Home BEETROOT CUT 5MM ORGANIC CERTIFIED FR26 €5.00 Freeze-dried beetroot in a 5mm cup. Latin name: Beta Vulgaris Origin: Germany Add to cart
New Home GENMAICHA UJI CEREMONIAL MATCHA ORGANIC CERTIFIED BL121 €13.00 The combination of Genmaicha, Japanese green tea with puffed rice grains, and matcha, is a fairly common blend for Japanese tea lovers. It can be found at several suppliers. The difference here is that we used our high-end Shizuoka genmaicha and we mixed it with a ceremonial matcha "Uji Matcha" of controlled designation. It is very rare to use this kind... Add to cart
New Home ELDERFLOWERS ORGANIC CERTIFIED FL20 €9.50 Elderflowers of the black elder variety, Sambucus Nigra. These are flowers harvested in Eastern Europe, generally in Bosnia, or in Albania, very fragrant, they can be consumed alone in infusion, like a tea, or in cooking to enhance syrups, jellies or jams. To use in infusion, here are some tips: 2g per 10cl of filtered or slightly mineralized water.... Add to cart
Home ZHENG SHAN XIAO ZHONG ORGANIC CERTIFIED TCN46 €30.00 Fujian black tea, produced in the Wuyi mountains. It comes from the gardens that produce the famous smoked Lapsang Souchong that we all know. Smoked Lapsang Souchong is produced with lower quality leaves, from late and less prestigious harvests, this tea is produced with the best leaves. Unlike the Lapsang Souchong that we know, this tea is not smoked.... Add to cart
Home ILAM WONDER WHITE TEA ORGANIC CERTIFIED NE21 €18.00 A magnificent organic white tea with sweet, velvety and fruity flavors. A nectar that we will serve again and again. Harvest date: Autumn 2024. Produced on the heights of Ilam at an altitude of 1500 meters. This tea was produced in a plantation with a European Organic Agriculture certification. The plantation is very isolated from civilization, it takes... Add to cart
Home VOYAGE TO MARRAKECH ORGANIC CERTIFIED BL120 €10.00 Flavors: Unflavored To produce this tea, we used a very high quality of Chinese Gunpowder green tea, grade "PINHEAD", combined with a Moroccan spearmint of the Nanah variety. The result is very successful, very fresh and aromatic and will take you on a journey to the slopes of the Atlas hills. Ingredients: Chinese Gunpowder Pinhead green tea*, Nanah... Add to cart
Home OKAYTI SECOND FLUSH SFTGFOP1 ORGANIC CERTIFIED TIND23 €15.00 Black tea Second Flush 2024 from the Okayti plantation located in the East of Darjeeling. This is the production DJ126, the 126th batch of the year. It is a graded tea, SFTGFOP1, Special Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe 1, the highest grade in Darjeeling. The flavors are fruity, ripe grapes, with depth and length in the mouth. It can be a favorite... Add to cart
Home GUNPOWDER PINHEAD ORGANIC CERTIFIED TCN47 €8.50 Produced in Zhejiang, around Shanghai, this grade of Gunpowder is the highest, only the smallest pinheads are kept. This can be seen directly to the eye with these small shiny and dark green balls. In the cup, it is in some way the Assam of green teas, power and length in the mouth, not great finesse without domination of bitterness as with other... Add to cart
Home BITTER ORANGE LEAVES "TOP-CHOICE" ORGANIC CERTIFIED HE06 €10.00 Whole leaves of Bitter Orange tree of grade "Sur-choix". A magnificent quality and a great freshness with perfectly preserved leaves. Origin: Morocco Size: 5 to 12cm Bitter Orange tree leaves, also known as bitter orange leaves, are widely used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. Add to cart
Home CACAO NIBS PERU CHANCHAMAYO ORGANIC CERTIFIED FR12 €10.00 Cacao Nibs of Peruvian origin from the Chanchamayo province in the North-East of the country. This batch of cocoa beans was roasted in France by an artisan chocolatier. Cacao nibs are small pieces of roasted and crushed cocoa beans. They are pure, unsweetened cocoa nibs, which have an intense and slightly bitter taste, reminiscent of dark chocolate. How... Add to cart
Herbs, spices, fruits & flowers ITALIAN HELICRYSUM ORGANIC CERTIFIED FL19 €20.00 Italian Helichrysum, or Italian immortelle, this plant is also called curry plant, curry plant or St. John's flower. It is known as the Immortelle flower because it does not fade. Origin: Morocco Latin name: Helicrysum Italicum Italian Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum), also called immortelle, is a Mediterranean plant renowned for its medicinal and... Add to cart