Flavour: Mango - passion fruit - tangerine

" A gourmet and sunny multicoloured tea "

Based on a skilful blend of black, green and white teas, this tea is particularly attractive. The red and creamy liquor is the result of the mixture of the three types of tea. It is a great success and a treat for the eyes and on the tongue. On the nose, the gourmet fruity notes are very present. On tasting, we appreciate the presence of tea, never dominated by the aromas. These are very balanced with as it should be, a preponderance of mango notes Tangerine to spice it all up and the passion for the gourmet side perfectly complete this flavoured tea. The ideal tea to brighten up our days!

Ingredients: Assam black tea*, Zeijhang Mao Jian green tea* Pai Mu Tan white tea*, mango pieces*, natural flavor (Mango*, Passion fruit*, & Mandarin), marigold flowers*, cornflower* , pieces of cranberry* (*from organic farming)

Preparation for this hot tea: Infuse 2g for 100ml of filtered water at 80° for 3 to 4 minutes.

Prepare this iced tea: Infuse 2 tablespoons in 1.5L of Volvic or filtered water at room temperature. Place your container in the refrigerator and let it infuse for 3 to 6 hours. when the infusion is ready, filter the leaves using a tea strainer or by slowly transferring the liquor into another container. So! it's ready.


-  You can add ice cubes, but it's optional, it will keep your iced tea cold, but on the other hand will dilute it and reduce its intensity significantly.

-  Iced tea can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

  • 100g
  • 500g
Tax included



Assam black tea*, Pai Mu Tan white tea*, Wulu green tea*, papaya pieces*, mango pieces*, marigold flowers*, cranberry pieces*, cornflower flowers*, natural mango flavour*, natural flavour passion fruit*, natural flavour tangerine. 

*from organic farming

Gestion du jardin:

Radha & Nandalal possèdent un petit hotel avec vue sur la montagne sacrée Machapuchre (6993m) et l'Annapurna South (7219m) et le reste de la chaine de l'Annapurna. Ils ont un petit jardin de thé qui si il était récolté de façon intensive permettrait la production d'environ 300kgs de thé fini. Ils produisent les thés en fonction de leurs besoins, et vendent leurs thés au visiteurs de l'hotel par sachet de 200g. Ils expliquent qu'ils n'ont jamais mis d'engrais ni de pesticides dans leurs thés.

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